

What behaviors are in humans?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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what behaviors are in human

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Q: What behaviors are in humans?
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How many behaviors can humans exhibit?

a bunch

What is inhereted?

Inherited behaviors are those that are natural to you. For instance, behaviors that increase success are natural to humans. For dogs, burying bones is a natural behavior.

Why is a rifle bad?

It is an object. It can't be bad or good. Those are behaviors of humans.

What behavior is common to both humans and animals?

2 of the behaviors is afraid & brave.

What social behaviors do you share with cro magnons humans?

All of them. Cro-Magnons were early modern humans. They were just like us.

What are some learned behaviors of a Crocodile?

Some learned behaviors are like a dogs I think, like if he sits and stays and doesn't attack humans and stuff like that :)

Similarities between animal and human behaviors?

Humans have mood swings so do animals.

How do humans care about koalas?

they r very cute animals and have very interesting behaviors.

What are behaviors of some polar bears?

keeping there young safe and protecting there self's from humans

How can learned behaviors in animals be used to help humans?

from the science way, but nothing to do with our life.

What is anthropology about?

Anthropology is the study of human culture but understanding culture as all of the non-biological behaviors that humans have, in simple words, all of our behaviors are divided into two, biological (these are the ones that all humans have) and cultural (this are the ones that are different between two humans) and anthropology studies this last kind of behaviors. An anthropologist usually lives or stays with the human group that he wants to study to learn about their culture. He does a participation in all of the groups activities to understand them.

What is an instinctive behavior in humans?

instincts are non-learned behaviors that we are born with and that are coded into our genes. behaviors like smiling, crying, and screaming are instinctive behaviors. Behaviors like Fight or Flight are controlled by hormones. Try looking up Nature VS. Nurture for some more information. hope that helps.