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Charles Darwin wanted to understand the mechanisms behind evolution and the process of natural selection, which drives the adaptation of species over time. He sought to explain the diversity of life on Earth and how species change and diverge from common ancestors. Through his research and observations, Darwin aimed to uncover the principles of how life evolves.

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Which early theorist kept a baby biography of his children's development?

Charles Darwin kept a baby biography of his children's development. He closely observed and recorded their growth and behavior in detail, which later influenced his work on the theory of evolution.

What was Charles Darwin's personality?

Charles Darwin was described as introverted, thoughtful, curious, and shy. He was also known for his patience, determination, and meticulous attention to detail in his research and observations.

Did Charles Darwin influence social scientist?

Yes, Charles Darwin's theory of evolution influenced social scientists by providing insights into the development of human behavior and societies. His ideas on natural selection and adaptation paved the way for understanding how social behaviors and structures may have evolved in human societies.

Why was Charles Darwin's dicoveries important to psychology?

Charles Darwin's discoveries in evolution and natural selection provided a framework for understanding human behavior in terms of adaptation and survival. This laid the foundation for the field of evolutionary psychology, which seeks to explain human behavior through the lens of evolution. Darwin's work has influenced areas such as social and cognitive psychology by providing insights into the origins and functions of psychological processes.

How did Charles Darwin influence the insanity defense?

Charles Darwin influenced the insanity defense by proposing that mental illness was a result of biological factors rather than moral weakness or supernatural causes. This shifted the understanding of mental illness towards a more scientific and medical perspective, which eventually influenced legal systems to consider mental illness as a mitigating factor in criminal cases. Darwin's work contributed to the development of the modern concept of insanity as a defense in criminal trials.