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That humans can be influenced by their id, ego, and superego.

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Q: What effect did Sigmund Freud's therories have on contemporary thought?
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What effect did sigmund freuds theories have on contemporary thought?

They undermined the notion that behavior is fundamentally rational.

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What literarytechniques or schools of thought most reflects the influence on Sigmund Freuds theories?

Stream-of-consciousness narrative - APEX! :D

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The name for Sigmund Freuds type of therapy?

Freud invented psychoanalysis.

What was Sigmund Freuds achievements in science?

Freud created the method known as psychoanalysis for investigating and treating the mind.

Why were sigmund freuds idea not accepted?

They were accepted once and at once. They are not accepted now, at least most of his ideas. Freuds ideas, as many ideas in psychology of that day and today, are not supported by evidence but are, seemingly, pulled out of thin air.

How did Sigmund Freuds life and his own life experiences influence his theoretical constructs?

His love for his mother and jealousy of his father (Oedipus Complex).

What has the author Joseph Gicklhorn written?

Joseph Gicklhorn has written: 'Sigmund Freuds akademische Laufbahn im Lichte der Dokumente'

Freuds favorite food?

Clement Freud was the Grandson of Sigmund Freud. He was a celebrity chef, food writer and restaurateur. His favorite food was caviar, foie gras, and oysters.

What is an important reason why many of Freuds followeres moved away from his school of thought?

He put too much importance on sex and aggression as motives

What is Sigmund Freuds psychosexual stages of human development?

Oral stage, birth to one year. Anal stage, 1 to 3 years. Phallic stage, 3 to 6 years. Latent stage, 6 to puberty. Genital stage, puberty to death.