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Q: What intelligence is said to be a more powerful influence on life than traditional views?
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How have changing the views about the influence of heredity and environment on intelligence affected the development of intelligence tests?

Changing views on the influence of heredity and environment on intelligence have led to the development of intelligence tests that focus on a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Tests now aim to measure a broader range of cognitive abilities and skills, recognizing the complex interplay between nature and nurture in determining intelligence. Additionally, there is a greater emphasis on understanding and mitigating the impact of socioeconomic factors on test performance.

What two theories of intelligence are most different from each other?

The psychometric theory of intelligence views intelligence as a single, general factor that underlies overall cognitive ability, while the theory of multiple intelligences posits that there are several distinct types of intelligence that are relatively independent of each other. These theories differ in their conceptualizations of intelligence as either unitary or diverse in nature.

Why should a workers personal views not influence an individuals choice?

A worker's personal views should not influence an individual's choice because everyone is entitled to make decisions based on their own values and beliefs. It is important to respect diversity of opinions and allow individuals to make choices that align with their own perspectives and needs. Workers should remain neutral and provide information and support without imposing their own views on others.

Why a care workers personal views should not influence an individuals choices?

A care worker's personal views should not influence an individual's choices because it can compromise the individual's autonomy and right to make decisions based on their own beliefs and values. Care workers must prioritize the well-being and preferences of the individual they are caring for, respecting their right to self-determination and independence. Personal views should not supersede the individual's right to make choices that align with their own values and wishes.

Why was sigmund freud sexist?

Sigmund Freud's views on gender were influenced by the societal norms and beliefs of his time. He believed in traditional gender roles and held stereotypical views of women as being inferior to men. These sexist beliefs were reflected in his theories on psychoanalysis, which at times depicted women as more emotionally unstable and less capable than men.

Related questions

How have changing the views about the influence of heredity and environment on intelligence affected the development of intelligence tests?

Changing views on the influence of heredity and environment on intelligence have led to the development of intelligence tests that focus on a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Tests now aim to measure a broader range of cognitive abilities and skills, recognizing the complex interplay between nature and nurture in determining intelligence. Additionally, there is a greater emphasis on understanding and mitigating the impact of socioeconomic factors on test performance.

What is the different between traditional views and modern views on reading comprehension?

One difference between traditional views and modern views on reading comprehension is that we now recognize developmental disorders such as dyslexia. Dyslexia makes it harder for certain people to read

What has the least influence on how a person votes and views?

his or her popularity

How did Darwin influence modern views of evolution?

how has Charles Darwin influenced people about modern views of evolution

What is the group of people with conservative or traditional views called?


What relationships do his views have to traditional Inca values?


In Which of these is a person who supports traditional and cautious methods and views?


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What word is a person who supports traditional and cautious methods and views?


Can you explain possible consequences of allowing the personal views of others to influence an individuals choice?

Letting the personal views of others to influence an individuals choice can result in many possible consequences. For example, if you do not hire someone that you really like and get a good feeling about because of the views of someone else, you could miss out on a wonderful employee.

Who is considered to be a stakeholder under the historical and traditional views of business?

Owner and customer

What were Antoine Aime Dorion's views on confederation?

his views were that the french people would lose there culture under the influence of all the English