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The hypothalamus is very important. It controls certain metabolic processes and other activities of the Autonomic Nervous System. It synthesizes and secretes neurohormones, often called hypothalamic-releasing hormones. These hypothalamic releasing hormones control and regulate the secretion of pituitary hormones.

Functions of the hypothalamus include: controlling the release of majory hormones of the pituitary gland, body temperature regulation, hunger and thirst, sexual drives, moods, and is involved in the daily cycles of physiology and behavior known as ciradium rhythym.

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9y ago

Hypothalamus is the part of Fore brain, which is one of the major part of our brain. It performs many involuntary functions such as, controls heart rate, blood pressure, body's temperature, hunger, thirst and anger. It has its hormonal role too.

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11y ago

it is the control center of many autonomic function and regulate endocrine system.also control body temperature,hunger and thirst

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What helps the hypothalamus?

The thalamus helps the hypothalamus. The job of the thalamus is somewhat like a switchboard.

What is hypothalamus job?

controls body temperature, hunger, thirst, fatigue.

What is the hypothalamus gland job?

The hypothalamus is considered the gland that rules homeostasis. It controls virtually all the autonomic systems of the body. ANd that includes the manufacture of all its hormones.

What are two neural functions of the hypothalamus?

The main job of the hypothalamus is to maintain homeostasis; it does this by controlling the autonomic nervous system and most (possibly all) of the endocrine system. Neurons in the hypothalamus respond to changes in blood glucose and salt levels, blood pressure, and body temperature.

What part of speech is hypothalamus?

Hypothalamus is a noun.

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Posterior pituitary gland secreting anti-diuretic hormone.

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What is a sentence using the word Hypothalamus?

Hypothalamus is one of many glands. Hypothalamus is very important due to many reasons.

Do you have to reset your hypothalamus gland with medications?

No; normal, healthy individuals without a disease affecting their hypothalamus do not need to "reset" their hypothalamus with medications. Only in certain disease states do patients need to take medications to alter the function of the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus has exquisite control over many regulatory functions of the body. These include hunger, day/night cycles, basal metabolic rate, growth, fertility, pregnancy, sexual behavior, temperature, etc. In most individuals, the hypothalamus does a marvelously good job at regulating these functions without any need for medication. In fact, trying to "reset" the hypothalamus with medications when it isn't necessary can actually lead to more harm than good.

How do you use the word hypothalamus in a sentence?

My hypothalamus must be out of whack. The hypothalamus is located inside of the human skull.