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Sigmund Freud, a doctor from Vienna, devised a method called psychoanalysis to probe deeply into a patient's memory.

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Q: What is a method by which therapist and patient probe deeply into the patient's memory?
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What theory says that the ability to form memories has to do with how deeply we process memory?

Levels of processing theory-APEX

What theory says that the ability to form memories has to do with how deeply we process the memory?

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Who is patient KF?

he is a patient studied by shallice and warrington (1969, 1970) who had a form of brain damamge which meant his short term memory store was damaged but his long term memory store remained intact. this is the opposite to patient HM (stuided by milner and scoville) who had intact short term but damaged long term memory

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It can be long term memory loss or retrograde memory loss. In either case it can be called amnesia.

What movie is the quote in memory love lives forever?

The English Patient.