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Schema's are organized patterns of action or thought that people construct to interpret their experiences. For example (An infants grasping actions and sucking responses are early behavioral schemes, or concepts.

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Q: What is a short description of Piaget's Schema Theory?
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Which cognitive theory uses terms like short-term and long-term memory?

information processing theory

What is the difference between the cognitive constructivist theory and the information processing theory of development?

Without getting into a discussion of all the elements of these theories the short answer deals with how each views development. Cognitive constructivist theorist's such as Piaget, saw development occurring in stages. This is referred to as discontinuous development. Constructivist see a change in what children can do as they mature, and that this change is qualitative. Information processing theory sees development as continuous. They see the difference in the way a child responds to the world, and the way an adult responds, as a matter of amount or complexity. This theory says that infants, toddlers, children, and adults respond to the world much the same.

What is Cognitive Information Processing Theory?

Information Processing Theory divides memory into three stores--two temporal stores(sensory and short term) and one long term.Sensory memory: stores information in its sensory form (be it audio, visual, etc) for a fraction of a second.Short term memory: can store a limited amount of unrehearsed memory for 20 seconds.Long term memory: can store an unlimited amount of information over a long period of timeThe process goes as followed:input - > sensory memorywith attention, information from the sensory memory is transfered into short term memory (which last for 20 seconds)if you want to maintain information in short term memory you would rehearse (the process of repeating the information verbally/mentally?) the informationinformation is then stored into the long term memory

Does gender affect short term memory?

There is no evidence that gender affects short-term memory.

Why do boys avoid girls when the boys like them?

The girl may not like the boy or know how to respond to the boy or even she is shy. Most guys are scared of rejection and don't want to hit that low they don't want to show any signs of affection towards you so you don't get any ideas about the feelings they have. At least the shy ones. To make a long description short they don't want to be embarrassed.

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