

What is divergent thinking?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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16y ago

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Divergent thinking produces one or more novel ideas relevant to the problem to which there is no correct solution therefore it works better for open ended problems

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Q: What is divergent thinking?
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Do traditional IQ test measure divergent thinking?

Well in a sense, it could. There is only one answer to most questions but you have to think differently and creatively in order to get them. It is not an accurate way to measure divergent thinking but those who have high iq have genius level divergent thinking

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give me the answer too huhuhu....

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The ability to think of creative to do new things?

This is divergent thinking and abstract thought. Most people aren't able to think abstractly until they reach their teens, but there are those who develop abstract thinking early. Abstract thought be helped by training the thinking process and provide for projects to help promote abstract ideas. Divergent/abstract thought is the highest order of thinking.

What is the difference between diversion thinking and conversion thinking?

Divergent thinking is a method that uses creativity to come to a solution or idea. Convergent thinking is using logic or following logical steps to arrive at a certain solution.

Difference between Convergent thinking and divergent thinking?

Convergent thinking is based in giving the 'correct' answer, given data, much like what is used in standardized multiple-choice tests. Divergent thinking, on the other hand, takes a free-flowing pathway to generate creative ideas. Both are important in life, though the latter is more important for creativity and the former for logical construction.

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