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An epiphany.

The first step.

For someone to be considered in a state of denial then the thing that they are denying must be harmful to them or those around them. The term is commonly used to talk about someone who has a hazardous addiction and refuses to acknowledge that the addiction is damaging their life. Someone who admits they are in denial has come to realise that they would be better of without their addiction. This is a valuable psychological step towards tackling the problem and altering their behaviour.

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Are highly subjective theyre based on attitudes about different area of the world?


Why is your boyfriend so selfish?

That's a good question and one that many women ask. Typically men are naturally selfish because hundreds of years ago, that was how you survived. You generally looked out for yourself and then everyone else came 3rd or 4th. And men don't use emotion thinking like women. They use logical thinking so while they think that theyre being nice or generous, theyre really being selfish. But we don't know that because we mostly always think that we're right.

What are the factors affect the personality?

What the persons brought up with and theyre current surroundings eg. is it happy, sad, stressful, fun, religion, friends and by their own choice. Think of two parents both teach of learning its likely the child will feel the same way there r three factors heredity, environment and situational factors which r responsible

Are Italians dumb?

No, it is not appropriate to make negative generalizations about an entire group of people based on their nationality. Intelligence varies among individuals regardless of their background or nationality. It is important to treat everyone with respect and not perpetuate stereotypes.

Why does blondes are always called dumb?

It is a stereotype that is not true or fair. Hair color does not determine intelligence, and attributing certain characteristics to someone based on their appearance is not accurate or respectful. Intelligence is a complex trait that varies among individuals regardless of their hair color.

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