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Q: What is rigid gender stereotyping?
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What are gender stereotyping exceptions?

Varies depending on who or how you ask and what you would say

Why can guys do gross things but girls cant?

Social and gender stereotyping.

What is your feeling about gender stereotyping?

In some cases, gender stereotyping is correct, but that is only because of the person's individual way of living or just the person's personality. To me, gender stereotyping is an everyday issue and I feel it's something we can only handle by proving the person (saying, "all women love shopping" for example) wrong. I dislike stereotyping deeply, and I find it both offensive and uneccessary. It's discussable whether it's nature or some cruel habit individuals have developed over time, but I feel it's a habit you can descend from.

What is your opinionon the gender stereotypes?

Stereotyping of any kind is almost always incorrect and always wrong.

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What is gender stereotype?

Gender Stereotyping is basically putting down someone because of their "sex" or not believing they are able to do something because they are either male or female.

Difference between grouping people from the act of stereotyping?

Stereotyping has a discriminatory connotation that deals with race, gender, ethnicity, religion, culture, or language. Grouping is simply placing people in groups for the purpose of demographic study.

Is sex discrimination same with the gender stereotyping?

No. Discrimination is the action made based on a negative gender stereotype. Thinking that girls are bad at sports is a stereotype. Not letting them join your team is discrimination.

Is stereotyping a form of racism?

The long and short of it is...all racism is stereotyping but not all stereotyping is racism.

How do you avoid discriminatory practice?

ETHNICITY ----------------------------------------------------- GENDER ----------------------------------------------------- SEXUALITY ----------------------------------------------------- AGE ------------------------------------------------------ DISABILIY ------------------------------------------------------ DISCRIMINATION ------------------------------------------------------ PREJUDICE & STEREOTYPING ------------------------------------------------------ MATERIALS(ie,toys,visual displays,equipement) ------------------------------------------------------ THE MEDIA

What are the curriculum change trends in Tanzania since 1961 to 2010?

Curriculum changes included doing away with gender stereotyping through textbooks as well as classroom practices. Also, academic courses covering sex education and gender education were added.

Why is stereotyping dangerous?

stereotyping is dangerous because your actions and/or behavior will be based on it. You may act racist/sexist due to your belief that all persons of this religion, culture, race, gender, etc. are all __________. Such an assumption would not be factual but will serve as a hinderance for globalisation. We will have cultural differences but its important to understand those differences.