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Q: What is the Significance of psychoanalytic theory in organisational behavior?
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What is the central idea of psychoanalytic theory?

The central idea of psychoanalytic theory is that unconscious thoughts and emotions influence behavior. This theory posits that early childhood experiences shape adult personality and that exploring the unconscious mind can help individuals understand their motivations and behaviors.

What theory states that development is primarily unconscious and that understanding behavior requires that behaviors symbolic qualities be analyzed?


Which theory states that development is primarily unconscious and that understanding behavior requires that behaviors symbolic qualities be analyzed?


Who was the originter of psychoanalytic theory which suggest that criminal suffered from deep seated problems?

Sigmund Freud was the originator of psychoanalytic theory, which suggests that individuals can display criminal behavior due to deep-seated psychological issues or unresolved conflicts. Freud believed that unconscious desires and past experiences could influence criminal behavior.

What is Jean Piaget theory?

psychoanalytic theory

Who is the originator of psychoanalytic theory?

Sigmund Freud is considered the originator of psychoanalytic theory. He developed this theory in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and it focuses on the unconscious mind, the role of childhood experiences, and the impact of psychological conflicts on behavior.

Why do sociologists generally object to the Freudian view of psychoanalytic theory?

Sociologists reject the view that inborn and subconscious motivations are the primary reasons for behavior.

In psychoanalytic theory the process in which a child resolves the biologically based love for the parent of the opposite sex by emulating their behavior is called what?

regression to the mean

What are the 4 approaches in the development of moral behavior?

There are four approaches in the development of moral behavior, the psychoanalytic approach, the social-group approach, the learning-theory approach, and the cognitive developmental approach.