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A hypothesis is a guess of what the outcome of the experiment is. An experimentation is where you test that hypothesis.

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Q: What is the difference between hypothesis and experimentation?
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Is there a difference between hypothesis and theory?

Its generally accepted that there is. Hypothesis being an educated guess to be proven through experimentation and theory is a generally accepted idea that has been tested and not discredited but may be later on.

Is a hypothesis tested by experimentation?

Not unless its tested by experimentation. If its tested by experimentation. And then if found to be true its no longer just a hypothesis. And if found to be false it becomes an invalid hypothesis, which anyone in their right mind would withdraw as a hypothesis.

What is the difference between a null hypothesis and a research hypothesis?

The null hypothesis is the default hypothesis. It is the hypothesis that there is no difference between the control group and the treatment group. The research hypothesis proposes that there is a significant difference between the control group and the treatment group.

What is the connection between hypotheses and tests in an investigation?

A hypothesis is tested by investigation through experimentation

What is the difference between a hypothesis and a working hypothesis?

The difference is that working hypothesis is that your still working on it but the hypothesis that your not working on it.

What can a hypothesis become if it is supported by repeated experimentation?

Answer this question… What can a hypothesis become if it is supported by repeated experimentation?

What are examples of hypothesis and its experimentation?

Hypothesis are guesses based on information.

What is difference between a hypothesis and a scientific hypothesis?

A scientific hypothesis has to be testable.

Difference between psychological test and psychological experiment?

In a psychological test, you are looking to find out if your hypothesis is true. An experiment is a test of something new to find out what the results will be.

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What is a good way to test a hypothesis?

Experimentation is a good way to test a hypothesis.

What will a hypothesis become is it is supported by repeating experimentation's?

A proven hypothesis becomes a theory.