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only observable behavior is appropriate for study.

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Behaviorism focuses on studying observable behavior rather than internal mental processes. It emphasizes the role of conditioning and reinforcement in shaping behavior, as opposed to internal thoughts or feelings. Behaviorism also often employs controlled experiments and objective measurement of behavior.

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Q: What is the key feature of behaviorism that distinguishes it from other approaches to psychology?
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What is The feature of modern psychology that distinguishes it from its antecedents?

The use of the scientific method and empirical research to study behavior and mental processes distinguishes modern psychology from its antecedents. Modern psychology emphasizes objectivity, data-driven approaches, and rigorous experimentation to understand human behavior and psychological processes.

What is trait character?

Trait character refers to a distinguishing quality or feature of an individual or group that can be observed or measured. It is often used in the context of psychology and biology to describe inherent characteristics that influence behavior or physical appearance. Trait characters are considered stable and consistent over time.

What is he definition of a trait?

A trait is a specific characteristic, attribute, or feature of an organism that is determined by its genetic makeup and can be inherited and passed down from generation to generation. Traits can include physical features, behaviors, and even predispositions to certain diseases.

What did carl rogers suggest was the central feature of personality?

Carl Rogers suggested that the central feature of personality is the self-concept, which includes our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about ourselves. Rogers believed that our self-concept is influenced by how we perceive others' evaluations of us.

The distinctive feature of the psychodynamic perspective is its emphasis on?

The distinctive feature of the psychodynamic perspective is its emphasis on the role of the unconscious mind in shaping thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It also focuses on early childhood experiences and the influence of past relationships on psychological functioning.

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