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Attitudes are easier to read when someone is speaking because more factors are being played out in person than in a written language. When someone is speaking you can hear their tone and inflections on certain words. You see their facial movement and expressions and even their body language can tell you how they are feeling. Compared to words that are written it is hard to distinguish the mood without these tells. For example: The phrase "I never said she stole my money" has 7 different meanings depending which word you stress. When reading it, that gives you the confusing job of trying to figure how exactly the person feels while writing it. As opposed to if someone was saying the phrase then you would know the first time what they meant because they would say it how they mean it.

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Q: What is the main reason the attitudes are more often revealed in spoken rather than written language?
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Attitudes are most revealed in speech rather than written language because speech has a tone.

What is the main reason that attitudes are more often revealed is spoken rather than written language?

Attitudes are most revealed in speech rather than written language because speech has a tone.

What are the main reason that attitudes are more often revealed in spoken rather than written?

Attitudes are most revealed in speech rather than written language because speech has a tone.

What is the main reason that attitudes are more often revealed in spoken rather than written?

Attitudes are most revealed in speech rather than written language because speech has a tone.

What is the main reason that attitudes are more often revealed in spoken than written language?

Attitudes are most revealed in speech rather than written language because speech has a tone.

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What is the main reason that attitudes are more often reavealed in spoken rather than writing language?

its much harder to actually show your emotion in a written format. try to make someone know your mad without actually telling them your mad or making a angry face.

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What is the main reason attitude are more often spoken rather than written language?

The main reason attitude is more noticeable spoken rather than written is because attitude is often inflected in the voice and is hard to convey written.

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