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ego amor is in the deponent form of the verb. unlike the other translations that give the active meaning, ego amor is passive. simply it means i am loved. the same thing as amatus sum means i am loved.

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What are some examples of id - ego - and super ego?

example of id is an action without a consequence example of super ego is a phobia to id without the fear factor example of ego is a mediator to id and super ego

What does spreading ego mean?

EGO mean personality ex: when you say you have a big ego means you have a big personality

Did Freud think that a threat to the ego result in anxiety?

No, Freud believed that the super-ego punished the ego with anxiety. He believed threats to the ego were generally reacted to with deception, fantasy, and thought.

How do you use super-ego in a sentence?

The super-ego aims for perfection.

What is the meaning of self-reparenting?

Self-reparenting is commonly understood as a modified application of Eric Berne's psycho-analytically informed theory of Transactional Analysis (TA). TA suggests three ego states individuals operate from, the child state, adult state, and parent state. While TA emphasizes the interaction between one of these ego states and the ego state of another person, self-parenting focuses on internal interactions between one's parent ego state and their own child ego state. Self-parenting, then, is a way for an individual to interact with and influence that part of their psyche in which emotional beliefs reside and from which conditioned responses emerge. For example, if an individual has low self-esteem, their child ego state believes they are inherently inadequate. Self-parenting engages the child ego state with the parent ego state (informed by the rational adult ego state), allowing one's feelings to be validated, explored, and influenced by the beliefs taught by the parent ego state. In this way, one can "reparent" their child ego states, as they should've been parented in literal childhood, so that they internalize true beliefs and associated healthy responses.