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Q: What is the response in which a stimulus initiates actions that reverse or reduce the original stimulus?
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Example: Touching something hot - stimulus. Pull hand away- response.

What is the difference between involuntary actions and reflex actions?

An involuntary action is a body process that occurs automatically regardless of external stimulus. In contrast, a reflex is an automated response to an external stimulus.

What is the organism's actions as a result of sensory neural and hormonal factors in response to changes in external or internal conditions?


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The stimulus response theory of selling is based o the assumption that certain actions (stimuli) on the part of the salesperson may initiate a response in the customer or prospect in the form of a buying action. Often actions used to stimulate the required behaviour are emotional in content. For instance, fear of the consequences of not purchasing a product may be induced in order to simulate the purchase response.

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What is the difference between involuntary action and reflex action?

Involuntary actions are movements or processes that occur automatically without conscious control, such as heartbeat or digestion. Reflex actions are quick, automatic responses to a stimulus that involve a specific neural pathway, like withdrawing your hand from a hot stove.

Define reflex action?

Reflex action is an immediate response to a specific stimulus without conscious control. Spinal reflexes are controlled by the spinal cord. And the spinal cord and the brain are Reflex centres.Examples of reflex actions are scratching when your skin is itchy, the sudden blinking of the eye when a hand is waved in front of it, and also salivation when food is in the mouth.

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What is a response?

This site might have been calle WikiResponses, since a response is an answer. Responses may also include actions you can take in reaction to a situation. "He insulted me, and my response was to punch him in the nose."In biology it's a reaction to stimulus. For instance, you see a cake and you respond by reaching out to pick it up, or you have an automatic response such as your mouth watering.A Reading Response you must read a book and then write about the book you just read ( you can include important events and things)A response is when someone is talking and you or the other person talk back and respond to what the other person had said. ------------------------------------------ A response is an animal's reaction to a stimulusWhen a conversation is taking place and you answer yours and your partners conversation which is a response