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well, it all depends on your past. your past is the key to all decisions. how you were raised as a child causes the creation of you as an adult. if you were raised around racist parents you are likely to be a racist, because you see it's okay from your parents. if you were raised around bisexual friends, you see it's okay to be bisexual because your friends are. being bisexual is normally based on influences.

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3d ago

Homosexuality is a complex interplay of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors that influence sexual orientation. Research suggests that multiple factors, including genetics, prenatal hormone exposure, and environmental influences may all contribute to an individual's sexual orientation. The exact causes are still being studied and the science community does not agree on a single explanation for homosexuality.

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13y ago

A scientific explanation is that someone who is gay is born that way. They are born attracted to members of the same sex just as a straight person is born attracted to members of the opposite sex. However through social constructs and pressure most oppress these feelings until teenage years or adulthood when they realize and come to terms with themselves.

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10y ago

If gayness is inborn, then it would be reasonable to assume there are evolutionary advantages for it. A gay sexual orientation doesn't mean a person cannot reproduce with members of the opposite sex. It just means that they don't want to do so. It is possible that as the world becomes more crowded and polluted, there might be a mechanism at work to help curb the population. That would in turn help keep the population and genetic stock healthy. Grown gay children can play a role in helping take care of pregnant or aging mothers when the rest of the family is busy with their own lives.

One hypothesis is that there is a gene to cause an increased attraction to men in anyone with the gene - male or female. That has an evolutionary advantage since females are the ones who limit reproduction, and many don't want children or a family. Female humans often only carry a single child at a time, and it takes 8-9 months. Then they have to take care of the baby, and sometimes it takes a year or so after giving birth for fertility to return. It should also be noted that recent research has shown that some genetic factors that are associated with (although possibly not directly causal to) homosexuality in men affect the average fecundity in females as well. In other words, the same genes that increase the chances of homosexuality in men may also increase the chances of women having more children. So a gene to increase sexual attraction to men would have an advantage in terms of evolution. Such a gene would have the price of causing men to be more attracted to other men. However, not everyone would have such a gene, and men are prone to have multiple female partners, so a loss of some procreating men to gayness would not noticeably affect population.

Some of this is social more than biological since the more privileged a society becomes, the more their views tend to shift politically to the Left, thus allowing more acceptance for gay sexual behaviors. So it is a self-limiting population mechanism.

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