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It is widely known that no human being can be perfect. With that said, it's clear that no great person or great leaders can be perfect and have no flaws.

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Q: What leaders and great people are perfect and without flaws?
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What are deviant personality traits?

1. People who looks for both physical and emotional flaws in people, places or things... 2. Anyone who makes careful decisions about how to hurt or harm others. 3. People who undermine rules, laws and order in order to please themselves. 4. People who seek power in the world either over other people or in person.

What personality traits or flaws does hades have?

Hades is a very formal and greedy Greek God.

What is good and bad about being different from other people?

You are unique, special, and you have all these wonderful characteristics. For example, you are kind and not mean to others. But on the other side of things, people have flaws that are not so good - for example, meanness and being a bully. If you see a bully bullying someone stick up for them and yourself. Who knows, you might be friends with the bully and the victim.The good parts:1. It can help set you apart.2. You can be an example to follow3. It sometimes draws others to you.4. It may be more natural and you get to be yourself.The bad parts:1. You get misunderstood.2. People may lump you with people who do bad things.3. You constantly have to explain your intentions.4. People may assume you like things that you don't.5. People may assume you need more help at things than others.6. People may talk down to you.7. Your differences might make it hard to find work.8. Some people are more likely to start trouble with you.9. People may try to "correct" as flaws what you do deliberately.10. People try to hold you back from being what you believe you should be.

What is the role of replication in psychological research?

Replication reduces the chances that findings are due to experimenter bias, methodological flaws, or sampling errors

What is Aphrodite's personality flaws?

Aphrodite was very beautiful, but she also very vain. Her self centered ideas and jealousy led her to make anyone she felt was prettier than she miserable.

Related questions

What are two definitions for perfect?

Perfect: "without flaws" Perfect: "complete"

Can people be perfect?

In my opinion, people can't be perfect. It may seem like they are perfect, but everyone has their flaws. :)

Is a perfect ruby without flaws or inclusions an element a compound or a mixture?

compund i think

What is the opposite of flawless?

Flawless means without imperfection, without flaws, or perfect. So the opposite of flawless would be imperfect, or flawed.

When was the word Perfect originated?

The word perfect originated between the years 1250 to 1300. It is derived from the Latin word perfectus and it means without any flaws.

What is without flaw?

without flaw is an adjective. without flaw means perfection.when someone is without flaw they are perfect. to be without flaw can be used to descirbe a feeling but never a person . Flaws means that you are perfect and nothng is wrong with you. Example: Her tooth was missing in the front and she thinks that is her flaw.

What is the meaning of unblemished?

Unblemished means not having any flaws, defects, or imperfections. It refers to something that is pure, perfect, or without any faults.

What does perfect really mean?

Perfect really means that you cannot see any flaws.

Why are Gwen Stefani legs so perfect?

Because they are long and have the perfect shape with no real flaws

Is Beyonce perfect?

No,no-one is perfect ! We all have flaws or something we don't like about ourselves ! I always say 'Your perfect in your own way '!

What part of speech is to perfect?

The word "to perfect" is a verb. It means to make something perfect. Be careful not to mix it up with the adjective "perfect" meaning free of flaws.

Why does the universe have so many flaws?

God isn't perfect Or perhaps there was no design? "flaws" are in the eye of the beholder. The universe just "is" any flaws are only seen as such by us little humans.