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Q: What leads to the development of a theory?
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What leads to the development a theory?

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it is a path of becoming a person of character

What Moral development theory tells us that there are sequential levels of moral reasoning. What is the ideal toward which moral development leads?

it is a path of becoming a person of character

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Why does the Modernization Theory work?

Modernization theory suggests that economic development leads to social and political progress. It works by emphasizing industrialization, urbanization, education, and Western values as drivers of development. However, critics argue that it oversimplifies complex social processes and ignores the historical context of developing countries.

What was use in the development of evolutionary theory?

What type of reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary theory

An eclectic theory of development assumes what?

no single theory can account for all of human development.

What leads to the de develoment of a theory?

The development of a theory usually starts with observations or data that prompt the formulation of a hypothesis. Scientists then conduct experiments or gather more data to test the hypothesis. Through this process, they refine the hypothesis into a theory that can explain and predict phenomena in a particular field.

What is state led development?

State led development is where the Government leads the development in an economy.

Theory affect Human Growth and Development?

No. Theory attempts to explain human growth and development, but it does not affect it.

What type of reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary of theory?

Inductive reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary theory.