

What makes two boys fight?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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13y ago

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there hormones. They can get upset easily, well it depends on there age. Like teenagers can get jealous and or try to show off and fight

My VeiwBoys fight because boys fight.

Boys are phsycoloicaly "wired" to be aggressive and when confronted they occasionally are dumb and get into fights.

When you are 6 or 8 this is not to big a deal, a suitable punishment is usually enough to deter this behaviour.

When you get into junior or senior high this becomes very inappropriate and dangerous.

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Q: What makes two boys fight?
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If a boy play fight with you does he likes you?

Not necessarily. Play fighting can be just a way of bonding or having fun, without romantic intentions. It's important to consider other signs of interest and communication to determine if someone likes you.

Why there differences between two different emotions?

Nobody knows why. If something makes you happy, you feel happy. If something makes you sad, you feel sad.

Who smells more girls or boys?

Individual body odor can vary based on hygiene, diet, and genetics, rather than gender. However, puberty can lead to increased body odor as sweat glands become more active, which may be more noticeable in boys. Ultimately, personal hygiene habits play a significant role in how individuals smell.

Are girls more hardworking than boys?

some are and some are not Well, it has been noticed that a few more boys get bad grades in general, but that is mostly because of their personality, etc. It really depends on the way they think about school, and that depends on the adults and other children. The way they were raised makes a difference for both genders. Boys tend to get obsessed with video games and the such more than girls do, which is one reason why they are more interested in games and not in school, but really they aren't dumb. In other words, girls are usually pretty hardworking and sometimes more hardworking, but boys can, too.

Are girl smarter them boys or boys or smarter then girls?

there are sometimes boys are smarter, and sometimes girls are smarter. for example, boys are mostly better in math than girls. another example, girls are mostly better in art than boys.

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