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the section of mind whales.

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Q: What psychological approach studies how your genes hormones and nervous system interact with the environment to influence behavior and mental processes?
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Which psychological approach stresses the role of unconscious processes and unresolved childhood conflicts?

Psychoanalytic/psychodynamic perspective

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Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes This means that psychologists are interested in?

Biological approach-It is a psychological approach that examines behavior & mental processes through a focus of the body but mainly the brain & nervous system.

A psychological approach that emphasizes mental processes in perception memory language problem solving and other areas of behavior?

cognitive psychology

What approach to the nature-nurture issues states that it is a combination of both environment and heredity that influence development?


Which research studystudies focusesfocus on the interaction between the environment and genetics in the development of psychological disorders?

"Psychopathology" is the name of the field that involves psychological disorders. When you're looking at interaction between genetic and environmental factors, you're looking at "The interactionist approach". To every topic, there are several approaches, e.g. your genetic makeup is the only factor in developing psychological disorders (Biological approach), or conditioning is the only factor (Behavioural approach), etc (there more approaches). So in full, you're looking for "The interactionist approach to psychopathology"

What is an approach to psychology that links psychological processes to activities in the nervous system and other bodily processes?

Karl Lashley was experimenting with removing parts of a mouse's brain to which how it affected its path around a maze. He did not find anything, but it inspired an area of study called Behavioral Neuroscience.

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how far an artistic approach can actually influence the practice of science

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What is the concept of psychological disorders as biologically based sicknesses known as?

The Biopsychosocial Approach

What is the study of thinking called?

The study of thinking processes is called the 1. determinism approach 2. behaviorism approach 3. introspective approach 5 cognition approach