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Whether he gave the woman the romantic letters or not is not the issue, but the fact he wrote them at all! You have every right to be angry and hurt and ask him how he would like to come across letters you have written to some other man. He wouldn't like it one bit. Instead of walking out on him, see this problem as a signal that things aren't going well in your marriage. Lack of communication is usually the grand cause of many marriage break-ups. Sit down and without shouting or yelling or even blaming each other you two need to express your feelings to each other. Then you must decide if your marriage is worth saving and if so, then seek out a marriage counselor. It is unexceptable for him to be writing these letters and for some reason I do believe he never sent them to her, but what DID they do together? That's the big question. Have that talk soon and then decide from there. Good luck Marcy

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It's important to have an open and honest conversation with your husband about your feelings and concerns. Discuss how his actions have impacted your trust and your relationship, and consider seeking couples therapy to address any underlying issues. Ultimately, trust your instincts and prioritize your emotional well-being in deciding how to move forward.

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Q: What should you do if your husband has written many romantic letters to another woman but he said he didn't mean the things he wrote because he never gave them to her?
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