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Self-Esteem would not be a variable because it does not involve math It involves Health and, if Self-Esteem did have a variable it would be se

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2w ago

Self-esteem would be the dependent variable, as it is the characteristic being measured or observed in relation to other variables.

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Q: What variable would self esteem be?
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What is the experimental variable for the study of the effects of anxiety on self-esteem be?

The experimental variable would be anxiety levels, as it is the factor that is manipulated or controlled by the researcher to observe its impact on self-esteem.

What would be the most likely effect of puberty on self-esteem and confidence for Ruth?

Puberty could potentially have a positive effect on Ruth's self-esteem and confidence as she goes through physical changes that align with societal beauty standards. However, it may also lead to self-consciousness and insecurity as she compares herself to her peers during this period of rapid growth and development. Overall, the impact of puberty on Ruth's self-esteem and confidence will depend on her individual experiences and support system.

How would a person evaluate your self esteem?

One way to evaluate someone's self-esteem is by observing their behavior and beliefs. Signs of healthy self-esteem include confidence in one's abilities, willingness to take on challenges, and a positive self-image. On the other hand, low self-esteem may manifest as self-doubt, seeking validation from others, and negative self-talk.

What would be the most likely effect on puberty on phil's self esteem and confidence?

his self-esteem and self-confidence levels would be risen

What would be the most likely effect of puberty on self -esteem and confidence for Ruth?

her self-esteem and self-confidence would be at normal levels

Which is not an example of a person with high self esteem-?

A person who constantly seeks validation and approval from others to feel good about themselves is not an example of someone with high self-esteem. High self-esteem is characterized by a strong sense of self-worth and confidence that is independent of external validation.

What is the plural of self esteem?


How do you deal with self esteem problems?

Building self-esteem involves practicing self-care, setting realistic goals, celebrating accomplishments, and surrounding yourself with positive influences. Additionally, challenging negative self-talk and seeking support from a therapist or counselor can be beneficial in improving self-esteem. Remember that self-esteem is a journey, and progress takes time and effort.

Where do you get your self-esteem from?

Self esteem can be gained by confidence. A person should attain confidence resulting into self esteem.

What will be a stroke persons self esteem?

A stroke survivor's self-esteem may be impacted due to physical limitations, changes in appearance, cognitive challenges, and dependence on others for daily tasks. Rehabilitation, social support, and coping strategies can help improve self-esteem by focusing on accomplishments and strengths. It's important for stroke survivors to seek professional help if struggling with self-esteem issues.

What is Building relationships and self-esteem?

relationships need to be built/made, so building relationships is forming relationships. and self esteem if self confidence, for instance if I had low self esteem I wouldn't think much of myself, but if I had high self esteem I would think myself capable of anything, possibly too much.

Experience of high self steem and low self esteem?

High self-esteem is characterized by a positive self-image, self-acceptance, and confidence in one's abilities. Individuals with high self-esteem tend to have a greater sense of self-worth and are more resilient in the face of challenges. On the other hand, low self-esteem involves a negative self-image, self-doubt, and beliefs of unworthiness. People with low self-esteem may struggle with feelings of inadequacy, fear of failure, and difficulty asserting themselves in relationships and situations. It can impact mental health and overall well-being.