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Q: What was sigmund freud views on the conflict between individual desires and the demands of society?
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What is conflict of desires?

A conflict of desires occurs when an individual has competing or contradictory wants or goals. This can lead to internal turmoil or indecision as the person struggles to prioritize or fulfill these conflicting desires. Finding a balance or resolution between these competing desires may require introspection, compromise, or prioritization.

What is a three dimensional character?

internal conflict between two opposing desires

The conflict between unlimited desires and limited resources in government is?

The Answer is Not In Government It Is In Scarcity. Scarcity is the limited resources amd unlimited desires

What situation is an example of an enternal conflict?

An example of an internal conflict is when a person is torn between following their passion for art or pursuing a more stable career in finance. This conflict arises within the individual's mind and involves conflicting desires or beliefs.

What is an individual want?

desires by an individual.

What are individual wants?

desires by an individual are individual wants.

What is an want?

desires by an individual.

What is the definition of personal conflict?

A conflict that occurs solely in the psychological dynamics of the individual's own mind. - The Centre for Cancer Education Struggling with competing personal values and desires. -ATI Testing Leadership and Management

What is the conflict of the beautiful horse?

"The Beautiful Horse" explores the conflict between free will and societal expectations. The horse desires freedom to run wild and untamed, but society views this as a threat and wants it tamed and controlled. This conflict represents the struggle between individuality and conformity.

What is person Vs circumstances?

Person vs circumstances is a common conflict in literature where a character must struggle against external factors such as society, nature, or fate. This conflict highlights the tension between an individual's desires, values, and choices, and the obstacles they face in achieving their goals. In navigating this conflict, characters are often tested and must adapt to challenging circumstances in order to overcome adversity.

What type of conflict is illustrated by this scenario A young man struggles to control his addiction to alcohol?

This scenario illustrates an internal conflict, where the young man is battling with his own desires and impulses. It is a psychological struggle within himself to overcome his addiction to alcohol.

Are there conflicts of good and evil?

Yes, that is, if you're talking about the conflict between God and Satan. Satan will try to tempt you with your own desires but if you ask God to help, He will.