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The virtue or ego strength that emerges when an adolescent establishes a stable identity is known as fidelity. This involves a sense of commitment to their beliefs, values, and goals, as well as a coherent understanding of who they are and what they stand for.

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Q: When an adolescent establishes a stable identity the virtue or ego strength that emerges is?
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What is the start of growth and development for a flower?

The start of growth and development for a flower begins with the germination of a seed. The seed absorbs water, swells, and eventually sprouts a root that anchors it into the soil. From there, the stem emerges, followed by leaves and the formation of flower buds which eventually bloom into flowers.

What concept of separate self with toddlers develop is referred to?

The concept of separate self that develops in toddlers is referred to as self-awareness. This is when they start to recognize themselves as individuals with their own thoughts, feelings, and desires, independent from others. This typically emerges around 18-24 months of age.

In which stage of cognitive development does stranger anxiety occur?

Stranger anxiety typically emerges during the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development, which is approximately from birth to 2 years old according to Piaget's theory. This is when infants become increasingly aware of their surroundings and can differentiate familiar faces from strangers.

What is a example of stranger anxiety?

A baby crying or becoming upset when approached or held by an unfamiliar person is an example of stranger anxiety. This fear of unfamiliar individuals typically emerges around 6-8 months of age as babies become more aware of their surroundings and develop attachments to familiar caregivers.

What is deferred imitation?

Deferred imitation is the ability to observe and remember another person's actions and then imitate those actions at a later time. It is a cognitive skill that emerges in early childhood and is important for learning and social development.

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