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Q: Which paradigm would be least likely to manipulate independent variables... humanistic biological behavioral cognitive I need the BEST answer. thank-you?
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What varible can be manipulated?

The Independent variable is the one that you can manipulate.

What part of a scientific experiment do you change or manipulate?

The part of an experiment that you test or manipulate change is called your independent variable.

What does iv mean in scientific method?

Independent Variable, its the variable that you can manipulate or change.

How do researchers determine which of the variables are dependent or independent?

The variable that you can manipulate in the experiment is always the independent variable. The quantity that changes as a result of your manipulation is the dependent variable.

Why does the dependent variable change as the independent variable changes into a linear relationship?

The independent variable is the variable that you change and manipulate in an equation. This causes the dependant variable to change.

How do you determine which variable goes on the x axis?

The value that you manipulate (change) goes on the x-axis. This is also known as the independent variable. :)

Dummy variable as an independent variable?

An independent variable is the variable you have control over, what you can choose and manipulate. It is usually what you think will affect the dependent variable. In some cases, you may not be able to manipulate the independent variable. It may be something that is already there and is fixed, something you would like to evaluate with respect to how it affects something else, the dependent variable like color, kind, time. Example: You are interested in how stress affects heart rate in humans. Your independent variable would be the stress and the dependent variable would be the heart rate. You can directly manipulate stress levels in your human subjects and measure how those stress levels change heart rate.

What is genetic engeniering?

Genetic engineering is the the use of various methods to manipulate the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)of cells to produce biological products or to change hereditary traits

A factor that you measure in an experiment is called the?

easy! thats would be the INDEPENDENT VARIABLE!

Is mentos and Diet Coke an independent or a dependent variables?

Mentos, of course _ | | / \ | | | | | | |____ |

What condition in an experiment does a biologist manipulate?

In an experiment, the condition manipulated by a biologist is known as the independent variable. The condition that changes based upon how the independent variable was manipulated is known as the dependent variable.

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