

Who are Generation X and Y?

Updated: 11/4/2022
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9y ago

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Generation X refers to the generation born in the early 1960's to the early 1980's. Generation Y is the generation after that, those born from the early 80's to the early 2000's.

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What is the difference between generation x and generation y?

y is the next letter after x

What is gen gen?

generation x or generation y is the demograpic cohort

Why do people call the people born from 1980-2009 the y generation?

The generation born between 1980-2009 is typically referred to as the Millennials because they came of age around the turn of the millennium. They are also known as Generation Y, following the previous Generation X (born roughly between 1965-1980).

What generation is after x?

Generation Y, or The Millennials. Generally, those born from 1981 to 2000.

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The current generation is VI or six with the release of Pokemon X and Y.

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Why is generation y called y?

Generation Y refers to the population group in the US born from somewhere around 1976 to around 2000. All population groups tend to be tarred with generalizations, some accurate, and some completely missing the mark. Generation Y followed Generation X. The coiners of generation names evidently had a lapse of creativity.

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Ronald Reagan served as US President from 1981 to 1989. This covers both Generation X and Generation Y.

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Generation X - Drivers of your future or are they your lost souls?

The members of Generation X, born between 1960 and 1984, are the architects of the future. The decisions they make and the world they create is the world that the members of Generation Y will inherit. Like every generation, they build the world for the generation to come after.

Is generation y 1992?

1992 is part of generation y, since generation y starts between 1982-1995.

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October 2013 Worldwide, launching with Pokemon X and Pokemon Y