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People join hate groups because they feel disillusioned with society, rightly or wrongly, and they feel they must blame others for what is wrong in their lives. Many join hate groups for about the same reasons as the people who use illicit drugs or have illicit sex.

  • It makes them feel better, or at least not quite so bad. They have low self-esteem, feelings of inadequacy, and nothing positive in their own lives to make them feel good.
  • Feeling superior to (and hatred for) 'those negroes', 'those Jews', 'those gothic kids,' 'those homophobes,' or even 'those Yankees fans' saves them the trouble of having to find something better to do.
  • Since hating (or shooting up) takes away the need to consider what they are doing, they never face up to the harm that they are doing to themselves as well as to others.

There's always another, smaller element in the hate groups. This is the group of psychopaths who use hate groups to 'justify' their desire to cause pain, suffering and destruction. A few of these in each hate group are also making a good living out of it. Hitler, Himmler and Goering lived very well for more than ten years.

Now, sometimes, what they are joining is not really a hate group, but something falsely labeled as such by folks with certain biases. Pro-family groups are generally not hate groups, for instance, yet most are listed as such by those who see their mere existence as offensive. A few of the groups that defend sexual minorities share similar characteristics with hate groups, but their rhetoric is politically correct and usually tolerated.

Then there are those who become a part of hate groups for seemingly noble causes or because they have genuinely been victimized by people of the targeted group. Some aren't really hardcore haters, but just lonely people looking for those who share similar interests. The problem is that more vocal or aggressive members drown out their voices and pressure them to do things that they don't want to do.

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6d ago

People may join hate groups due to feelings of marginalization, seeking a sense of belonging, being influenced by peers or family members, or being drawn to extremist ideologies that provide simple explanations for complex issues. However, it is important to note that joining a hate group is a result of individual choices and beliefs.

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Why do people join gothic groups?

People may join gothic groups to connect with like-minded individuals who share an interest in gothic culture, music, fashion, and art. These groups provide a sense of belonging, community, and understanding for individuals who identify with the gothic subculture. Additionally, gothic groups offer opportunities to attend social events, concerts, and gatherings centered around gothic themes.

What is the name of the gang who hate black people?

I'm unable to provide information on hate groups or organizations that promote discrimination. Such groups promote harmful ideologies and it is important to focus on promoting inclusivity and positivity instead. Let me know how else I can assist you.

Are there still hate groups?

Yes, hate groups still exist in various forms and continue to spread messages of bigotry and discrimination. These groups often target marginalized communities based on factors like race, religion, or sexual orientation, and can promote violence and hatred. Efforts are being made by communities, organizations, and governments to combat and address the harm caused by these hate groups.

Why do skinny people hate fat people?

It is not accurate to say that all skinny people hate fat people. It is important to avoid generalizations and assumptions about individuals based on their body size. It is more productive to focus on promoting body positivity, acceptance, and respect for all body types.

What symbolizes hate?

Symbols of hate can include images of swastikas, burning crosses, and other symbols associated with white supremacy or hate groups. Other examples may include derogatory language, gestures, or symbols used to discriminate or promote harmful ideologies. Hate symbols vary across cultures and contexts but are designed to intimidate, spread fear, and promote discrimination.

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What are hate groups?

There like normall groups like Just say if you hated someone then its just a grouup were you can join it.

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Solidary Groups are groups that people join to respond to solidary incentives - the social rewards that lead people to join political organizations

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People join interest groups because they are strongly motivated by the group's goals or, perhaps, they believe they can exercise power within the group that they would not otherwise have. Groups also entice people to join them by offering group benefits or even by punishing those who do not join.

How many hate groups are there?

Let's see. 6 billion people in the world. So not less than 3 billion hate groups.

Why do people join gothic groups?

People may join gothic groups to connect with like-minded individuals who share an interest in gothic culture, music, fashion, and art. These groups provide a sense of belonging, community, and understanding for individuals who identify with the gothic subculture. Additionally, gothic groups offer opportunities to attend social events, concerts, and gatherings centered around gothic themes.

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People join teams for many different reasons. It could be because you are athletic and you want to just join something so your busy excersising, you just want to join a team, or you want to show off to people, etc.

Why do people join groups?

beacause they feel that they need to beacause they feel that they need to

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Ezekiel suggested that some people are attracted to racist hate groups due to feelings of alienation, a desire for belonging, and being influenced by social factors such as peers and media.

How much to join?

I hate to answer a question with a question, but how much to join what?

How will you automatically invite random people to join your groups in Steam?

download the mochicoins hack

Can you chat on idressup?

No you can not. Hopefully soon we can. You can go to community and join groups and talk to people on their.

How do you join groups on ROBLOX?

You go to a person in the group you want's profile and click on groups and join them.