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There are dozens, perhaps hundreds or thousands of theories to explain this, but what it boils down to is connections. Humans have several basic physical and psychological needs. Beyond the obvious, water, shelter, food requirements, people also need to connect. Consider that we group up. We form families, neighborhoods, and communities. The primary means of doing this is communication, and boy do we communicate.

We transmit messages to each other by more than just speech. We have body language, facial expressions, we even share with each other in silence so se communicate by nothing more than proximity. And, the sole purpose for all of this information sharing is to connect.

That's the short of it.

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Q: Why do you receive or accept communication?
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"I accept" or "I receive".

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(A) The word "receive" means to accept something sent or given.

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You can accept gifts as often as want just as long as you receive one from your neighbors.

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no body is perfect

What is incongruent communication?

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