

How do you spell thoroughly?

Updated: 4/25/2024
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11y ago

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That is the correct spelling of thoroughly (completely, or meticulously).

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1mo ago

Thoroughly is spelled t-h-o-r-o-u-g-h-l-y.

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The adverb is spelled diligently (promptly, thoroughly, and meticulously).

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That is the correct spelling of "well thought out" but a synonymous phrase could be "thoroughly considered," also "contemplated" or planned.

How do your spell thoroughly?

The likely spelling for the proper name is Thoreau (notably Henry David Thoreau).The common word could be thorough (complete, painstaking) or through (done, or penetrating).

How do you spell thourouly?

You could be looking for though, which is a shortened form of "although".Alternatively, you could be looking for thorough, meaning complete and detailed, e.g. He did a thorough examination of the patient.Possibly you are even looking for the word through, meaning to go through something.

How do you spell thorougll?

The word is spelled thorough, which means "complete". The teacher was very thorough in explaining the algebra problem. Sally cleaned her bedroom thoroughly.

A sentence with the word using 'thoroughly'?

You just used thoroughly in a sentence, posed as a question. I don't know how to put thoroughly in a sentence. You need to clean that thoroughly. I was thoroughly incensed.

What part of speech is thoroughly?

Thoroughly is an adverb.

How do you use the word thoroughly in sentence?

We can use thoroughly in a sentence like this:1- He learns for the exams thoroughly.

What word is silent in the word thoroughly?

what word is silent in thoroughly

What does thoroughly?

The word thoroughly means completely, totally, absolutely.

What does torch wood spell?

I don't under stand your question. Torch wood spells torch wood as far as I know. I guess it could be torchwood. Please explain your question a little bit more thoroughly.