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Some young women find the gangster type of guys sexually appealing and frightening. Of course even before she knows it she really wants to tame this guy and make him hers. Good luck! Gangsters appear to have it all ... artistic value (in some cases) if celebrities or in the music world; illegal means of financial support; wear cool clothing; drive expensive cars; have the best booze and drugs and party it up to a 'rip session.' This is generally exciting to many young women and they want to have that money spent on them without realizing the consequences that this could put them into danger or at the very least be used, abused and traded off for another girl. Gangsters generally have more than one girlfriend. There are some young men that appear to be Gangsters for publicity or if they are in gangs, but put on this persona when the time is right, but are OK guys in their private life and no different than the rest of us.

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15y ago
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13y ago

in most studies it has been proven that "nice guys" aren't runnin very much heat

Some women like trouble, that's what makes there life more interesting also they feel a bad guy can protect her better than a nice guy but in some cases the bad guy can protect her from everyone but himself then she runs to the nice guy for help

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12y ago

Gangsters usually like girly chicks. they like girly chicks because they would show there friends how hot they are and the one that has the hottest chick would win money and be the boss (big guy) of the gang.

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13y ago

It depends on what kind of girl it is.

If this girl is popular, yeah of course she will like a guy in a gang.

84 % of the girls will not like you if they are NOT popular.

The reason why the girls that ARE popular would like you is because they would fit in with your type.

The reason why the girls that aren't ... it's because they certainly don't want to go to a gang of boys and hang around with them if they are not popular themselves. I know, because I'm a girl that was unpopular, then was.

Hope it helped!

I totally agree with her.

But all those popular girls and other girls who would like boys in gangs are freaks

I mean, who would like a guy in a gang?

The girl would most likely end up doing drugs or commiting suicide or homocide if she wasn't smart XP

But I would say it's more than that oercentage

Like, 88% of girls would


crazy people

Hope this helps!

Yours truly and always,

Ashley :D

(I hope I said that right, haven't done this for a while)


I'm On Ashley's Side Cause I like a guy with a sense of badness buht no gang involvement i have in the past buht im better than that your better than that ... Alicia :)))

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11y ago

They like them for them

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