Acrania: Congenital partial or total absence of the skull.
I believe you may be referring to: congenital amaurosis - this entity refers to partial or total loss of vision.
Mermaid syndrome, also known as sirenomelia, is a rare congenital condition where a baby is born with their legs fused together. The legs may appear like a single limb with the feet splayed outwards, resembling a mermaid's tail. This condition is often associated with significant internal abnormalities and has a high mortality rate.
In a condition of partial ruin or disrepair
A bifid tongue is a condition where the tongue is split or has a cleft in the middle, giving it a forked appearance. Treatment may involve speech therapy to improve articulation, surgical correction to repair the cleft, or monitoring if the condition is not causing any functional issues.
The suffix for slight or partial paralysis is "-paresis". It is used to indicate a condition where there is a partial loss of movement or weakness in a specific part of the body.
Partial sterilization of liquids such as milk, and cheeses, to destroy disease-causing bacteria.
White tigers are those who inherit a recessive gene, one that causes partial albinism. (White animals, those lacking normal pigmentation, are called albinos).
Hypocalvaria is a rare congenital condition characterized by partial or complete absence of the calvaria (skullcap). This can result in the brain being exposed or only covered by a thin layer of skin. Surgical intervention is often necessary to protect the brain and restore skull integrity.