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shekels was the currency used in biblical times

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Q: A roman coin used for paying taxes in the bible?
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What did the Roman Empire do to help us?

Umm I don't know but i do know that a lot of their concepts are used today such as, their coin or democracy or taxes stuff like that so yeah.

What did jesus teach about tax payers and sins?

Jesus taught the people to pay their taxes, the story of peter taking a coin from the fishes mouth, to pay tax to the Romans is mentioned in the bible.

What is a denanius?

a Roman coin

What is the value of a shilling in the Bible?

A shilling is a British monetary coin and is not in the Bible.

What is name ancient roman bronze coin?

That is a very tough question to answer. There are several denominations of Roman bronze coins, so for that, I would need more information on the coin.

Is Christianity anti-capitalistic?

Yes and no. It has nothing against a person accruing wealth. and as for taxes which are definitely a non capitalistic enterprise the recommendation is give Ceasar what is Caesars pointing to the head on a roman coin.

What is a good idea for a roman coin drawinhg?

See: Roman currency

Is there a coin with a Bible on it?

No U.S. coins ever minted include an image of the Bible.

Does the Parable of the Lost Coin relate to passages in the Bible?

Yes the parable is from the bible.

How many money references are there in the New Testament?

On my computer I use the software Bible called e-sword ( I did a search of the New Testament with this program and it came up with 22 verses (and 23 hits because one verse has the word "money" in it twice) with the word money. This was using the King James Version bible in this software. its actually talked about way more that the parable of the talent for example paying taxes to cesar is another it uses the word coin not money

How much is a bible coin?

About a jesus and a half

How mouch is a 60 asses Roman coin 211bc worth?

There was no such thing as a 60 asses coin. The most valuable Roman coin in 211 BC was the denarius, which was worth 10 asses.