If you wish, you may walk around the corner, and there is a chair set up there facing the priest. You may sit in the chair to talk to the priest face to face, IF YOU WISH, while you are making your confession - but this is not required.
Confession is good for the soul. In the Baptist church each member is their own priest and can pray for forgiveness directly to God. Confession to a person is not required to receive forgiveness from God. Now that said, counseling in the church is an important part of every pastor's duties.
They are Catholic people and Friar Lawrence is a priest. Although her parents do not let Juliet out of the house for any other reason, they are duty bound as good Catholics to allow her to visit a priest, confess her sins and be absolved--that's one of the sacraments. Juliet uses this excuse twice in the play to get out of the house and go to Friar Lawrence's
They helped each other stay in power.
They are the exact same as each other. They are completely opposite. Please find a trust worthy site for the correct answer. thankyou
Usually all christians believe in confession.More Information:While all Christians believe in confession, the Roman Catholic Church recognizes the Sacrament of Confession, in which church members are expected to confess their sin directly to a priest, who is believed to have authority assign acts of contrition (penance) and to absolve the penitent of their sin.Protestant Christians believe that each Christian individual has the right and priviledge to confess their sin directly to God through prayer, and that no other mediator is required other than Jesus Christ. Protestants believe that their sin is forgiven by grace through Jesus Christ without additional acts of penance.
A priest. ----- Most weddings of the Middle Ages were not performed in a church, and in many places, a wedding only required a man and a woman swear to each other that they were taking each other as spouses. The people who performed the wedding were the people getting married. No priest was needed, and even witnesses were not required. There is a source link below.
The penitent goes to the priest, names his sins, all the circumstance which could affect culpability (increasing or lessening it) and the number of times each of them happened. After this the priest gives advice on how to avoid falling into this sin or how to continue living in God's grace, assigns penance and absolves the sins with the authority of Jesus Christ. After this the penitent leaves, fortified by the graces of this sacrament and can perform the penance any time between then and his next confession.
Priests administer the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation (confession), the Holy Eucharist, and Anointing of the Sick. They officiate at Matrimony (although it is the couple themselves who actually administer the sacrament to each other). Holy Orders is reserved to bishops only, who are the normal ministers of Confirmation as well. However, priests can serve as the ministers of Confirmation with permission of the bishop.
Roman Catholic Answer: That depends on the sacrament:Baptism: normally a priest or deacon, but in an emergency may be anyone, even a non-baptised person may baptise if he intends to do what the Church does.Confirmation: normally a Bishop, but may be a priest under certain circumstances.Eucharist: must be a priest or a Bishop, although a Deacon, acolyte, or extraordinary minister may assist with distributing Holy Communion.Penance (Confession): must be a priest or BishopHoly Orders: must be a BishopMatrimony: The two people getting married: must be a man and a womanAnointing of the Sick: must be a priest or a Bishop; personally, I do not know if a deacon can do this.
God will always forgive as long as you continue to pray and go to confession a different time.If God forgive than everyone become sinless and no law of nature. Judge forgive any one in court?Another Answer:The Bible never instructs anyone to go to a confessional or booth and privately tell your sins/transgressions to a person - usually a priest. Instead, the Scripture tells all to confess openly:James 5:16New International Version (NIV) 16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
The priest's role in confession does include giving each penitent a particular penance as a part of their contrition for their sins. The particular penance given depends on a host of factors including the sins committed, the culture, and most importantly, the priest. In the United States, most priests for regular penitents have them offer a number of prayers (i.e. 3 Our Fathers, 5 Hail Marys, etc.) as penance. For instance, if a child is making his first confession, it is not likely that his penance will be extremely cumbersome. Similarly, most adults who go to confession regular are given short, simple penances. However, if the person has confessed a serious sin such as murder, rape, etc., the penance may be something more than a private prayer. In such a situation, the priest may tell the person that their penance is to turn themselves in or seek professional help.
Of course a married couple can have sex legally as long as it is with each other only, it is not a sin to get a sterilization done.