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If God wanted to, he could know everything in advance. For example, He chose not to know if Adam and Eve would disobey him in the Garden of Eden. Had he known in advance, he would be responsible for all the terrible things that have happened in the world as a result of their disobedience. God is notresponsible for the terrible deeds of mankind! ...Romans 5:12 and 18.

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Predestination is the doctrine that held that God determines everything that happens in the past,present, and future. Hope this helps all who are looking for this answer i know it helped me.

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heres your anwser. get a life.

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Q: Doctrine that held that god determines everything?
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What is the doctrine that holds that God determines everything that happens in the past present and future?

That's actually not a doctrine.

What is the doctrine that held God determines everything that happens in the past present and future?

Predestination. We are predestined by God to go to either heaven or hell. Acts 13:48, Rom.8:29-30, 9:11-22; Eph.1:4-5, 2 Tim.1:9, Jude 1:4

Doctrine that held that god determines everything that happens in the past present and the future?

Predestination....that God ordains and knows all of man's choices...our heart and soul wooed by the Holy Spirit (part of the Godhead) is how we come to God. Nothing in ourselves is holy without God and his Son. There is a misunderstanding of Disobedience and Free Will. Adam and Eve did not display free will when they sinned, they just plain dis-obeyed! Read the Bible....then you might understand it better.

Calvin's doctrine that the salvation or damnation of men had been determined by God since the beginning of time?

It was called the doctrine of Predestination. In addition to stating that salvation and damnation were predestined, it also asserted that every event from the beginning of time was set in motion by God, who is all-powerful and all-knowing.

What was the central doctrine of Protestantism?

the central doctrine of protestantism is 1 god monotheism

Describes God as imbedded within us within creation?

I think you might be looking for 'Panentheism' - 'A doctrine that the universe is part of God, but that God nevertheless transcends or has some existence separate from the universe' (Wiktionary) - like your hand is part of you, but not you, everything you see is both God and not-God; everything is worthy of reverence appropriate to its nature, but must not be mistaken for that which transcends and brings into being all that we perceive.

God in three with one divine nature?

The doctrine you refer to is the doctrine of the Trinity - but what is your question about it?

What do you mean by the doctrine of the trinity?

The Trinity doctrine is a teaching on the nature of God. In brief it teaches that within the one Being that is God, there exists eternally three co-equal and co-eternal persons, namely, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Due to the complexity of this teaching, it is often into two major theological categories; the Ontological Trinity and the Economic Trinity. These two are the same teaching, just from different perspectives. The Ontological Trinity focuses on the oneness and unity of God, whereas the Economic Trinity focuses on the distinction and individualism of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. A more detailed definition of the doctrine of the Trinity teaches that there is only one true God, the Father almighty, from whom everything has existence. The Son of God is the word of God, begotten in eternity, and it is through him everything has existence. And the Holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father, through the Son, is the out working power of God, by whom everything has existence. The Father is fully God, and is the only true God. The Son is fully God, but not a god. And the Holy Spirit is fully God, but not a god.

What Calvinist doctrine those who have been chosen by god for salvation?

The Calvinist doctrine relating to those who have been chosen by God for salvation is called "Predestination". Predestination is a doctrine which is found in many places in the Bible. It emphasizes God's initiative in saving sinners.

What was a Doctrine of a Calling?

This was a doctrine believed by John Winthrop and many of Puritans instructing them to do God's work.

Who determines what is right or wrong?

God does. If there was no God, there could be no right or wrong.

What has ten letters poor people need it rich people want it god made it and god has it?

"Everything!"Everything is the answer. Everything has ten letters. Poor people need everything. Rich people want everything. God made everything. God has everything.What do poor people need? Everything!What do rich people want? Everything!What did God make? Everything!What does God have? Everything!COPYRIGHT!!! DO NOT EDIT!!!