11 Now I know that the LORD is greater than all other gods, for he did this to those who had treated Israel arrogantly." 3 "You shall have no other gods before [a] me. 13 "Be careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of other gods; do not let them be heard on your lips. 14 Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. 35 You were shown these things so that you might know that the LORD is God; besides him there is no other. 39 Acknowledge and take to heart this day that the LORD is God in heaven above and on the earth below. There is no other. 7 "You shall have no other gods before [a] me.
never stop believing
One component of saying no effectively is being clear about the issue. Another component is explaining your view point on the subject.
Christanity is believing in the only true God. Saying that he died for you and that he is the only way get to heaven. Believing on his name and you will be saved! Doing this will save you from and eternity in a lake of fire called Hell!
It comes from Descartes famous saying "I think, therefore I am." So he was explaining his belief through you.
In the digital age, the saying "seeing is believing" may need to be reconsidered as technology allows for manipulation and fabrication of images and videos. This means that visuals can no longer always be trusted as accurate representations of reality, highlighting the importance of critical thinking and verifying sources in the digital world.
I am not an ethnically from an English speaking country however i guess that the saying refers to a situation from a perception of a person who is noisy while talking believing that he is correct in what he is saying. Guess it helps cheers
It is saying it has lower interest rates compared to the competition and is highly regarded among its customers! There are many different sites explaining about it and there are all positive.
Listen dont read the other ones saying their isnt a santa because there is a santa claus!! Ive seen proof! Believing is seeing!
This quote is saying that if you are well educated and have a strong moral/mental foundation, then you can listen to hurtful things or lies without being upset by them, believing them, or stop believing in yourself. This quote was said by Robert Frost.
This quote is saying that if you are well educated and have a strong moral/mental foundation, then you can listen to hurtful things or lies without being upset by them, believing them, or stop believing in yourself. This quote was said by Robert Frost.
there explaining that he's the 13th doctor because of doctor 8.5 in day of the doctor. they are probably saying that he's the 9th doctor, the 9th doctor is the 10th doctor, the 10th doctor is the 11th, the 11th is 12, so there fore he is the 13th doctor, hope that helped :)
Well, first try saying what you are explaining slowly - rephrase your sentences if you have to, to make it easier for the person to understand. If that doesn't work, depending on what you are saying, diagrams, charts, actions, visuals, sounds, and other tools may make it easier for the person to understand.