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Q: Give you some examples of syntax sentence?
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A sentence for syntax?

Syntax is what makes up sentence structure. Here are some examples of various forms of syntax. -Simple: I went to the mall. (Simple because only an independent clause.) -Compound: I ate a cake, and I played the flute afterwards. (Two independent clauses linked by a coordinating conjunction) -Complex: It was a wonderful day until the bus ran me over. (independent clause and dependent clause) These are the basics. Now let's get into some syntax and how it can reflect tone and mood. I walked to the mall. I saw a man. He had a gun. It was a scary. (These are read very disjointedly because they are all simple sentences. However, it creates some anxiety because you read it quickly it seems. Also, the parallel sentence structures help to awaken the reader's senses.) I walked to the mall and along the way I saw a man with a gun; suddenly I was fearful. (This one is much less boring, but it also doesn't give the same sense of anxiety because it is all joined. It seems like something is missing because it is only in one sentence. However, the semicolon helps to keep a sense of anxiety) Depending on the situation, the author might use a different type of sentence structure, or syntax.

What are some examples of oxymoron in a sentence?

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Which should be in the first paragraph of a literary analysis?

The topic sentence is usually the first sentence of a paragraph. The topic sentence makes a statement about something. The other sentences in the paragraph explain the topic sentence or give examples of what the topic sentence is saying.So if you are writing a literary analysis you make a statement about your subject then explain or give examples. Maybe something like this:Baxter makes good use of assonance in this haunting poem. (Then give some examples of assonance in the poem. Explain how this is haunting ).

Give example's of Oxymoron?

Some examples for oxymorons could be the little giants, pretty ugly, In a sentence, you could say that she was 'a little big'.

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What are some non examples of irrigation?

by saying you want non examples,that means you want some examples because two negatives in a sentence means that you want the positive so let me give you : surface irrigation sprinklers drip irrigation center pivot "