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Q: How Bernini and Caravaggio conveyed faith and commitment to the church?
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Bel Composto was an artistic theory developed by Bernini during the Baroque. The theory involved unifying the arts of painting, sculpting, and architecture. One example of Bernini's use of Bel Composto is the Sant'Andrea al Quirinale, where Bernini embedded sculptures into the church's architecture.

What is caravaggio?

Caravaggio was a painter in Italy in the late 16th century (died 1610). Though his life was short (he died at 38), he created many a spectacular work for the Catholic Church, many of which can be recognized today.

What does Bernini's design for the piazza in St Peter's Square designed to be symbolic of?

A poetic description is that the colonnade is to be seen as open arms welcoming people to St Peter's.According to Bernini, they are meant to symbolize the gathering of Christianity.

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Caroline Miley has written: 'The suicidal church' -- subject(s): Anglican Church of Australia, Church attendance, Church history, Church membership, Commitment to the church, History

How can I show my commitment to the Catholic Church after I'm confirmed?

Do volunteer work with your parish.

How does gianlorenzo bernini's fountain of the four rivers reflect the beliefs of the people during the baroque period or italy?

The fountain served as a public emblem of the Catholic Church's dominance and authority.

Why is holy orders a sacrament of commitment?

Holy Orders is considered a sacrament of commitment because it involves a solemn vow and dedication to serving the Church and its people through ordained ministry. Those who receive Holy Orders commit to a life of service, prayer, and leadership in the Church, thus embodying a profound commitment to God and the community of believers.

What is the point of Confirmation?

For the young person to make an adult commitment to remain a part of Christ's Church.

What does playing church mean?

This is talking about people who go to church because they think it is a good thing to do. They have no real commitment to God or His word. Maybe they think that going to church makes them Christians.

What is membership of the church?

This means many different things depending on the church. Some think of it as a commitment to you coming and attending a church and tithing others think of it as part of your salvation. On top of all these differences, it also depends on what your definition of "church" is. In the Bible, the believers were the church.

What are the sacraments of commitment?

Holy Orders and marriage are the sacraments of commitment in the Catholic Church. Holy Orders is for men who wanted to be priest in the Church, and marriage is a life-long commitment between a man and a woman.

Why was Caravaggio's work sometimes rejected?

Caravaggio was controversial because he often depicted religious figures in a way that the Church disagreed with. For example, in this painting of The Death of the Virgin, it is said that he based his depiction of the virgin off of a dead prostitute that he pulled from the river. The point being that he depicted saints and religious figures as normal looking humans rather than idealizing them.