A christian is a christian, for his own good or bad. He was not sent as a saviour to save others. Choice is with the individual, the difference is way of leading one' own life.
You don't NEED to be Christian to make a difference in someone's life. My friend is Athiest but he is still an awesome person and makes a huge impact in my life. But anyways, if you want to make a difference I would just try to be nice and do little things to show you care.
Having a strong faith can make a world of difference in the lives of some people. Strong faith is one of the factors that has helped many people get through times of personal tragedy and loss. It can provide life with meaning, motivation and optimism.
The life of God can be summarised in 'God is Love'. The answer to this question is to go and do likewise. Love the God with all your heart and overs as yourself (Matthew 22:37). This will make a difference for others and yourself.
she made an impact on someones life when she found Demi Lavato
Bulimia can ruin someones social life and can make them die. ex oh. <3
A huge difference, if your like Dimmesdale (an atheist) you will go to hell, and burn their in pain, torment, and agony forever. If your a Christian (like me) you will die go to Heaven and have a good sin free life FOREVER.
"A Team For Life" is the motto of the Make a Difference Club at Escobedo.
Bullies mostly bullie you because their jealous of you. Most of the time its because their life at home is hard so they make someones Else's life miserable.
The motto of Desert Christian Schools - Arizona - is 'Discipling young people to make a difference in their world'.
dont step on them.
eat chocolate
Make your own game and get a life
YES heavy metal rock can make you feel emo and goth or depressed indie genre and love songs can make your mood more calm and relaxed Psydelic rock is weird and can make your mood well... weirded out :D so... yes, your mood can change :D have a nice day! Christian music can make you feel releaved. CHRISTIAN MUSIC IS INSPIRING!