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Saint Athanasius was instrumental in defending the Faith of the Church at the Council of Nicaea. He defended the full divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ against the majority of the bishops who were Arian. Arianism denied the full divinity of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was a god, but not God. Saint Athanasius wrote many works which can be found at "New Advent." Because the majority of bishops were Arian, a dictum says "Athanasius against the word." It is because of Athanasius that the Truth of God prevailed at the Council of Nicea: Jesus Christ is "God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God."

The Arian Faith continues today in the form of Jehovah Witnesses and Mormon's who do not accept that Jesus is God in the same sense that the Father is God. Many of their arguments are directly taken from the Arian heretics which have been answered by Saint Athanasius in his works.

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Q: How did Saint Athanasius help spread the faith?
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