Utatu. Holy trinity: Utatu mtakatifu
Santa trinidad.
The term "Holy Spirit" in Latin is "Spiritum Sanctum."
The holy trinity are (not was) God, Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Trinity is located everywhere.
The holy trinity will always be the father son and holy ghost.
No, the word 'Trinity' is not in the King James Bible. The use of the term Holy Trinity began with the Council of Nicaea in 325, when it agreed that God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Ghost formed a Holy Trinity. In modern Bibles, 1 John 5:7 refers indirectly to the concept of the Trinity, but this was never in the early Greek manuscripts, only appearing in the Latin translation of the fifth century, after the Trinity doctrine had been accepted.
The Holy Trinity does not have any feminine aspects.
Jesus is God manifest in the flesh, in the Holy Trinity.
Holy Trinity University was created in 1940.
Holy Trinity Seminary was created in 1964.
Holy Trinity Church Marylebone was created in 1828.