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About 570 years before Jesus.

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Q: How many years before Christ did Ezekiel get his vision?
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BC means Before Christ. Its method of calculating time.

Is 1200 before Christ or after Christ?

It depends whether it is BC or AD If it was BC it was 1200 years before Christ If it was AD it was 1200 years after Christ

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1,776 years Before Christ or the Common Era came before 543 years Before Christ.

What does BC mean?

It is used to denote years Before Christ

What is before centuries?

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BC means before Christ. Thus, 2500 BC is about 4500 years in the past.BC means before Christ. Thus, 2500 BC is about 4500 years in the past.BC means before Christ. Thus, 2500 BC is about 4500 years in the past.BC means before Christ. Thus, 2500 BC is about 4500 years in the past.

What does before Christ mean?

Events that happened in the years before Jesus was born - BC (Before Christ)

Who was Ezechiel?

Ezekiel (Hebrew: Yechezkel) was a Kohen and prophet, from the town of Anatot, who lived at the time of the destruction of the first Temple (24 centuries ago) and prophesied in the early years of the Babylonian exile. He is famous for the divine vision of the Godly chariot (Ezekiel ch.1); and he also speaks of mourning and repentance, and he had the vision of the resurrection and the future Temple.