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Greece was conquered by the Romans before Jesus was born.

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Q: How was Greece named during the times of Jesus?
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Yes it is recorded that Jesus slept in the boat, during the storm.

Times of Jesus?

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They drank water or wine.

Who named the stars and assigned them in constellations?

Some were named in ancient Greece; several more were defined in more recent times. For example, the Southern Cross wasn't known to the ancient Greeks, because it is always below the horizon at that latitude.Some were named in ancient Greece; several more were defined in more recent times. For example, the Southern Cross wasn't known to the ancient Greeks, because it is always below the horizon at that latitude.Some were named in ancient Greece; several more were defined in more recent times. For example, the Southern Cross wasn't known to the ancient Greeks, because it is always below the horizon at that latitude.Some were named in ancient Greece; several more were defined in more recent times. For example, the Southern Cross wasn't known to the ancient Greeks, because it is always below the horizon at that latitude.

What did the Athenians think of the people outside of Greece?

During ancient times, Athenians thought of non-Hellenes, i.e.) people outside of Greece, as barbarians.

Who records several trips to Jerusalem during Jesus' ministry?

John records Jesus' visits to Jerusalem, particularly at the times of the Passover feasts.

What are special times in Mary's life?

Some special times in Mary's life include her Annunciation, when she was told by the angel Gabriel that she would conceive Jesus; the Nativity, when Jesus was born; the Presentation of Jesus at the temple; the Wedding at Cana, where she asked Jesus to perform his first miracle; and her presence at the foot of the cross during Jesus' crucifixion.

What was the Jewish ritual in the temple during the days of Jesus and what time did it occur?

Burnt offerings and it occured during religious times like the passover.