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No. Saint Nicholas is a Christian festival.

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Is the festival of Saint Nicholas the same as Christmas?

No, Saint Nicholas Day is on December 6 while Christmas is December 25.

Was Saint Nicholas Jewish?

No, Saint Nicholas was not Jewish. He was a Christian bishop from the ancient Greek city of Myra, located in modern-day Turkey. He is known for his generosity and is the inspiration behind the figure of Santa Claus.

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What is Saint Nicholas' last name?

Saint Nicholas is often referred to as Saint Nicholas of Myra or Nicholas of Bari.

Is Saint Nicholas really a saint?

Yes, there are several saints named Nicholas and the best known is Saint Nicholas of MyraSaint Nicholas (270 -346) is the common name for Nicholas of Myra, a saint and Bishop of Myra (in Lycia, part of modern-day Turkey). Because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession, he is also known as Nicholas the Wonderworker. He had a reputation for secret gift-giving, such as putting coins in the shoes of those who left them out for him, and is now commonly identified with Santa Claus. The tradition of Saint Nicholas Day, usually on 6 December, is a festival for children in many countries in Europe related to surviving legends of the saint, and particularly his reputation as a bringer of gifts

What was the nationality of Saint Nicholas?

Saint Nicholas of Myra was of Greek origin.

Where was Saint Nicholas a bishop?

Saint Nicholas was the Bishop of Myra in Turkey,

What was the title of Saint Nicholas?

The title of Saint Nicholas of Myra was 'Bishop."

What was Saint Nicholas' religion?

Saint Nicholas of Myra was a Catholic bishop.

Why is Saint Nicholas the patron saint of Turkey?

St. Nicholas is not the patron saint of Turkey. He is the patron saint of Russia and Greece.

Which country has Saint Nicholas as a patron saint?

St. Nicholas of Myra is the patron saint of Greece and Russia.

Which countries adopted Saint Nicholas as a patron saint?

Nicholas of Myra is the patron saint of Greece and Russia.