Teflon is a brand name trademarked by the company Chemours, which is why it is spelled with a capital T. Trademarked brand names are often spelled with an initial capital letter to distinguish them from common nouns or generic terms.
The word is spelled Tyrannosaurus and as a classification should have a capital T.
The word is spelled Thompson. Since it is a proper noun, a last name, it needs a capital "T".
The word is spelled northeast, just as you spelled it. If you use it as a proper noun, it would need a capital "N". Otherwise, it can be lowercase.
Brazil is spelled with Z in english. In portuguese it's spelled with S. So, the capital name is spelled with "S". BraSilia, capital of BraSil!
shift+t = capital T
Yes, it is spelled with a capital "A"
It is spelled Luxembourg and the capital is also Luxembourg.
The capital is Tirana, you spelled Albania wrong.
The capital is spelled Port Vila.