Greta Gerwig's birth name is Greta Celeste Gerwig.
Greta Gerwig was born on August 4, 1983, in Sacramento, California, USA.
According to IMDb (Internet Movie Database) : Greta is 5' 3" (1.60 m) Reference URL :
Robert Gerwig died in 1885.
Robert Gerwig was born in 1820.
Walter Gerwig died in 1966.
Walter Gerwig was born in 1899.
The cast of Nights and Weekends - 2008 includes: Alison Bagnall as Reporter Greta Gerwig as Mattie Ellen Stagg as Photographer Joe Swanberg as James
The cast of Jagoo - 2012 includes: Hale Appleman as Sam Emily Dorsch as Marie Greta Gerwig as Olivia Ana Kayne as Elodie Elliot Villar as Jagoo
Isabelle Gerwig was born in 1985, in Cottbus, German Democratic Republic.
Karen Gerwig was born on July 8, 1968, in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Greta Gerwig: "Fame has no qualitated value. There's used to be a correlation to achievements and now there's a certain type of fame that has no correlation to achievements, it's just fame for fame sake and it's not..." Charle Rose: "There are people that are famous for being famous" Movie Quote. Adam Goldberg (John) (Edtv (1999)),: There used to be that people were famous for being special, now they are considered special merely for being famous.