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No, most Christian religions have some sort of Advent observation. My church is not Catholic but we light the Advent Candles and celebrate the theme of each week in Advent (Peace, Hope, Joy, and I forget the fourth one.)

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Other more traditional Christians (eg. the Lutherans, or the Anglicans) still observe Advent.

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Q: Is Advent only observed by Catholics?
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What is the difference of Advent for Christians and Catholics?

Not much as Catholics are Christians.

Why do Christmas celebrate advent?

The only reason why we as catholics or Christians celebrate advent is because we are waiting for the preparation for Christ to be born so every week we light up one candle for four weeks.

Which pope established Advent?

Advent has been observed by the Church since about the year 380 in one form or the other. However, Pope Gregory the Great, who died in 604, was the real architect of the Roman Advent as it is now observed. Gregory fixed the season of Advent at four weeks before Christmas.

What counts down the days of advent?

Advent is counted down by weeks, not days until Christmas ad is used by catholics (like myself)

Do the Catholics fast during the Advent Season?

Yes, Catholics traditionally observe a period of fasting and abstinence during the Advent season. This typically involves abstaining from meat on Fridays and fasting by limiting food intake on certain days, such as Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. The specific requirements may vary depending on local customs and the guidelines set by the individual's diocese or bishop.

Does the word advent come from the latin word advant?

It comes from the Latin word adventus. Advent is a season observed by Christian all over the world.

Do Catholics wear a crucifix during Advent?

There is nothing that requires a Catholic to wear a crucifix at anytime. Some choose to wear a crucifix, some do not. Advent has nothing to do with the decision.

Why do Catholics 'wait' during the season of Advent?

I am not sure what you are referring to with your question. However, the 4 weeks of Advent symbolize the 4000 years the Israelites waited for the arrival of the Messiah.

Do catholics prepare for Jesus' birth during lent?

No, Catholics prepare Jesus's birth during Advent. During lent, there a time of reflection and they wait for the coming of Easter.

Why is one advent candle a different color?

The advent candle that is rose instead of violet is the one that is lit on the third Sunday of advent, or Gaudete Sunday. "Gaudete" is Latin for "rejoice", and it is the day when Catholics are supposed to rejoice, for the coming of the Lord is near.

What religious word means coming?

The term you are looking for is "Advent." Advent is a season observed in many Christian churches as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus at Christmas. It spans the four Sundays leading up to Christmas.

Are Catholics committing idolatry?

No, Catholics do not commit idolatry. Catholics worship only God.