Yes. Nijjar is jatt Sikh name
No, Shinh is not a common Jat Sikh name. It is more commonly found in other cultures or regions. Jat Sikh names typically reflect Punjabi or Sikh cultural influences.
Yes, Gandham is a Jatt Sikh last name
Bouhgan* is a jat Sikh last name
Yes ,it is jat surname if he/she belongs to ludhiana.
Yes, "Passan" is a Jat Sikh surname. Jat is a sub-caste of the larger Sikh community, and "Passan" is a surname commonly found among Jat Sikhs. Surnames are often used to denote one's caste, region, or family lineage within the Sikh community.
Yes Lally is a Sikh Jatt surname.
No.. He is haryanavi jat
The Surname Uppal in the caste system comes under the jat catergory Sikh is a religeon and yes Uppal is a Surname used by Sikhs
No not Just Jatts the Majority of Toor the Rajputs and there Sub-Division Sainis
Yes badhan is a Jat sikh goter
Yes it is there are about 12 villages off Jat Bains in distt hoshiar pur near Mahil pur village Gond pur near Mahil pur is Bains Jat