neil alden Armstrong is 79 years old
Neil Armstrong was born on August the 5th and is 79 this year.
Neil Armstrong was 39 years old when he first walked onto the moon.
As Neil Armstrong is 79 years old, both his parents are dead.
Neil Armstrong was 35 years old when he went into space on Gemini 8.
Neil Armstrong was 38 when he went into space on Apollo 11 mission
38 years old
Neil Armstrong did not die yet... He is 80 years old. ( January 2011 )
nearly 39
Neil Armstrong was 38 years old when he landed on the moon on July 20, 1969 as part of the Apollo 11 mission.
Neil Armstrong was 38 years old when he became the first person to walk on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969.