The Tipitaka and the Diamond Sutra. The most famous part of the Tipitaka is the Dhammapada. Contact me if you are interested in advice from the Dhammapada.
Christianity and Buddhism.
Buddhism is a type of religon
Buddhism is an example of a universalizing religion. Two other examples include Islam and Christianity.
The two groups were Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism.
Different religions of mankind.
Buddhism and Hinduism.
The purpose of a homily is to reinforce the message provided in a scripture. Once the scripture is read the homily is used to provide details and examples based on the scripture reading. It allows the congregation to obtain more meaning from the scripture
mahayana is one of two major Buddhism exiting mahayana is one of two major Buddhism exiting
No Islam and Buddhism are two fundamentally different religions.
Shinto and Buddhism are two different things, there is no hybrid combination.
Buddhism and Confucianism are two examples of religions which do not worship a specific deity. Atheism is often mistakenly included in such lists but it is not a religion.